Pixilation beat board

This is a beat board for the pixilation film on which I will work with Kristina. Our film is going to be about the apocalypse. The beat board shows key moments of the story. 

In the first 8 pictures you can see preparations for the apocalypse. Scenes of preparations will be in different order, because for example in the 4th picture is a summoning death ritual, which have to be one of the last scenes of preparations.

Next 6 picures show us some scenes in the middle. After putting gas mask on and going through the hallway there will be different scenes of ordinary people doing ususal things before Christmas, like going out with their friends, shopping etc. In each scene there will be one of us in the gas mask, flashing for a moment. After these scenes, we will walk down the main square and then we will see the same scenes with people, but all the people will be dead.

The last 2 frames show us the end, where everyone is dead.

We are going to shoot the film during the Christmas break at home in Slovakia, because we think it can be interesting to show the old part of our hometown and we also know the locations better.

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