This lesson we were painting with acrylics. I am not very good at painting, that's why it looks like this.
For the first painting we had to use only 2 colours. I have used blue and flesh (flesh is its name on the tube) colours. We were painting it for 30 minutes - first 10 minutes shadows, next 10 minutes lights and the last 10 minutes white and black details. My first painting was too small, so after first 10 minutes I took a new piece of paper and started painting it again. So I had only 20 minutes for this painting and I was in stress.
This one was less chaotic for me because I had full 30 minutes for painting. I don't know why I didn't paint hair only with brown, it looks really weird, like someone had stepped on her head but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Aside from that, it doesn't look really bad, I hope.
For this one I wanted to use different colours than flesh and blue with brown and yellow, so I used flesh, blue with less brown and more yellow. And I tried to mix purple with blue and red, but the red paint didn't want to cooperate and it behaved like jelly or slime.
For the last one I wanted to change colours again, so I didn't use brown. And I gave up on red paint slime. I can't draw or paint the back, and the leg under the chair looks like an empty sock. But I like the hair.
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