For homework we had to practise what we did in the lesson but on 15 minutes long sequence. I chose a Steven Spielberg's film A.I. Artificial Intelligence. It was fun to do and I was also practising sketching which is one of my biggest struggles. I think this film is really good, I like the composition and framing. One of my favourite shots is the one with the robot Joe standing between trees and the "moon" rising behind him.
Lesson 7 - Painting
This lesson we were painting with acrylics. I am not very good at painting, that's why it looks like this.
For the first painting we had to use only 2 colours. I have used blue and flesh (flesh is its name on the tube) colours. We were painting it for 30 minutes - first 10 minutes shadows, next 10 minutes lights and the last 10 minutes white and black details. My first painting was too small, so after first 10 minutes I took a new piece of paper and started painting it again. So I had only 20 minutes for this painting and I was in stress.
This one was less chaotic for me because I had full 30 minutes for painting. I don't know why I didn't paint hair only with brown, it looks really weird, like someone had stepped on her head but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Aside from that, it doesn't look really bad, I hope.
For this one I wanted to use different colours than flesh and blue with brown and yellow, so I used flesh, blue with less brown and more yellow. And I tried to mix purple with blue and red, but the red paint didn't want to cooperate and it behaved like jelly or slime.
For the last one I wanted to change colours again, so I didn't use brown. And I gave up on red paint slime. I can't draw or paint the back, and the leg under the chair looks like an empty sock. But I like the hair.
Café drawing
For the homework, we had to do quick sketches of people. As I wrote in Bristol Zoo Trip blog (link here), sketching is my biggest struggle. I am disappointed with my sketches as always and I should be better.
Week 6 - Tonal Drawing
This lesson we have done tonal drawings with different medias and techniques. We began with 5 quick 1-minute sketches and because quick sketches are my worst nightmare, they look exactly like that.
So the lesson started really bad but continued a bit better. We had to do two 5-minute drawings, without using lines. They don't look good, but still better than I expected.
I honestly don't know what to think about these two. It's not really bad, but I am not satisfied. Probably I did the proportions incorrectly.
They are not a disaster but I don't like them. And I am not friend with charcoal.
Next, we continued doing almost the same but with coloured hard pastels. We used two contrasting colours, one for lights and one for shadows.
These two are not contrasting enough, or maybe blue just can't look like light. I don't know but the head is too small and I think legs in this pose just can't look correctly.
This one is proportionally better but it was already dark outside and we worked with artificial lighting, I couldn't see yellow properly. And I just hate the yellow colour.
On the last one, I worked with watercolour. Proportionally, it looks like spaghetti with a big head. But I quite like the torso. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to add darker shadows.
Pixilation beat board
This is a beat board for the pixilation film on which I will work with Kristina. Our film is going to be about the apocalypse. The beat board shows key moments of the story.
In the first 8 pictures you can see preparations for the apocalypse. Scenes of preparations will be in different order, because for example in the 4th picture is a summoning death ritual, which have to be one of the last scenes of preparations.
Next 6 picures show us some scenes in the middle. After putting gas mask on and going through the hallway there will be different scenes of ordinary people doing ususal things before Christmas, like going out with their friends, shopping etc. In each scene there will be one of us in the gas mask, flashing for a moment. After these scenes, we will walk down the main square and then we will see the same scenes with people, but all the people will be dead.
The last 2 frames show us the end, where everyone is dead.
We are going to shoot the film during the Christmas break at home in Slovakia, because we think it can be interesting to show the old part of our hometown and we also know the locations better.
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