Lesson 9 - Location drawing (Worcester museum)

In this lesson we didn't do life drawing of a naked model but we went drawing to the Worcester museum. We had quite difficult tasks and not enough time (for me), so I had to go to the museum for 3 times.

The first task was to depict an object that symbolises "nature". I chose a bird which has really nice green and red colours. I think it's the best drawing from the museum and I did this task as the last one.

As the second task we had to draw an object which symbolises "man-made". I drew a jug which reminded me of traditional crafts.

The 3rd task was depicting 3 objects one one page that symbolise nature. I really liked the albatros with different shells underneath because it reminded me of summer and sea. I like the shells but the albatros doesn't look like I wanted to.

For the last task I had to draw 3 objects which symbolise "man-made" and I chose a gun, a pocket watch and a pipe, because I thought they are unfortunately typical for mankind - killing, wasting time and smoking. I like how I drew the gun, the pipe isn't bad, but the watch is a fail.

For the homework we had to draw 3 studies of people and 3 studies of space. We should draw mainly on found paper, but because the only one I had found at home (halls) was brown paper, I drew other drawings into my sketchbook. 

I haven't drawn indoor space many times, so my perspective is really bad, but I did my best to draw it as I saw it. Drawing on brown paper with gioconda was difficult and my lines aren't as straight as they should be.

For the next medium for the study of space I chose only a graphite pencil, because I wanted to practise straight lines. They are better but I wanted to do a lot of details in small amount of time, which clearly wasn't the best idea.

For the last study of space I tried to do something more simple, focused only on lines. I tried to work with charcoal combined with graphite pencil
, which is difficult for me, but after all I think the lines and perspective are better, although still not as they should be.

Drawing studies of people was really difficult, because sketching is one of my biggest struggles. People were moving so fast and I still can't get human anatomy right.

After I did all the tasks I found out that we had to had at least one object from categories bird, mammal, weapon, headwear, bottle and clothing. I was missing bottle, mammal and clothing, so I did studies of these objects.

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